Tag: speech disorder

Apraxia of Speech

      Apraxia of speech (also called developmental childhood apraxia of speech, verbal dyspraxia, developmental dyspraxia)can cause a child to have severe speech difficulties. The difficulties arise when the child is unable to coordinate the muscles of speech accurately and smoothly to produce sounds, syllables and words.  To explain it simply, the signals from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/speech-difficulties-disorders/apraxia-speech/

Phonological Speech Disorders

A delay with the development of Phonological Awareness is one of the most common reasons that a child has a speech delay. What is Phonological Awareness? This is the ability to recognise sounds in spoken language. We need these skills to help us understand language and learn to read. We use phonological awareness to pick …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/speech-difficulties-disorders/speech-difficulties-phonological-speech-disorders/

Speech Problems & Articulation Difficulties

      Many children do not have a serious speech problems or impairments (phonological disorder or dyspraxia), but just have speech articulation difficulties with a particular sound, or produce a sound incorrectly for no obvious reason. An example of a common articualtion problem would be a “lisp”. When a child has a difficulty with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/speech-difficulties-disorders/speech-problems-articulation-difficulties/