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Stroke treatment and rehab

See our Stroke Home Page for a full list of information relating to Stroke, Dysarthria, Aphasia, and startegies for improving communication.
Stroke treatment and rehab, will often involve the help of a speech and language pathologist / therapist. They are experts in the field of communication and they will be able to assess and guide you to implement the most appropriate therapy and/or strategies for communication, dysarthria and aphasia. It will also be important to involve other professionals for ongoing support and treatment including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, dieticians, community nurses and social workers. Some, or all of these professionals will facilitate rehab and aid recovery.
It is also a good idea to get in touch with your local support group or stroke association. As well as support, they may be able to give you more information about services that you are entitled to. When you have suffered a stroke, it is important to know what services and professional help are available to you. Your doctor and/or local support group should be able to let you know about the services you will require.

Speech and Language Therapy may be appropriate to focus on aspects of communication, such a speech difficulties, language difficulties, aphasia, dysarthria, communication plans, assistive communication, cognitive and memory skills, social skills and reading and writing. To read more about the work a speech therapist does and the treatment they provide to individuals that have had a Stroke, click here.


Occupational Therapy will focus on some of the skills around daily living and assess your home for possible modifications if they are required.


A Physiotherapist may be involved if you muscular, balance, gait, or walking difficulties.


As well as seeing your Doctor, a Communinity Nurse should also visit you to asses your health and needs.


A Counsellor or Psychologist may be needed, to work with you and your family around issues relating to depression and grief.


A Dietician may be involved with a focus on diet and nutrition.
There may be other doctors and specialists that will see you to focus on individual difficulties. Support Groups often offer invaluable advice, support and information relating to stroke, contact your local group as soon as possible.


For more information about communication difficulties, and ideas and strategies to help communication, see our Resources, or for specific fact-sheets and picture charts with helpful hints about Stroke and improving communication go to the Downloads Section.


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