Tag: hearing impaired

Hearing Impairment Resources

      Hearing Impairment Resources This section provides an overview of hearing impairment with downloads about the hearing process, causes of hearing impairment, hearing assessment, hearing aids and cochlear implants, hearing impairment resources, strategies and programs to facilitate speech, language, and communication. Click on the links below to open fact-sheets.   Hearing impairment Hearing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/speech-language-therapy-resources/speech-communication-resources/hearing-impairment-resources/

Communicating with deaf and hearing impaired children

      Communicating with deaf and hearing impaired children can be difficult, and children with hearing impairment will often have some degree of speech and language delay. There are a number of ways to help children develop their speech and language skills, but their progress will depend on several factors: •    How hearing impaired …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/hearing-problems-hearing-impairment-being-deaf/communicating-hearing-impaired-deaf-children/

Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants (treatment for hearing loss and deafness)

      There are now several options for the treatment of hearing loss and deafness with different types of hearing aids and cochlear implants. As mentioned in previous sections, infections such as otitis media can often be treated with anti-biotics, but other problems with hearing often require hearing aids or cochlear implants.   Hearing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/hearing-problems-hearing-impairment-being-deaf/treatment-hearing-loss-deafness-hearing-aids-cochlear-implants/

Hearing Tests and Assessment

      To determine an individual’s level of hearing or investigate hearing loss, an assessment needs to take place. There are several types of hearing tests that focus on different aspects of the hearing. Hearing tests can be divided into two types – screening and diagnostic. As the titles suggest, screening identifies if there …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/hearing-problems-hearing-impairment-being-deaf/hearing-tests-assessment/

Hearing Problems, Hearing Impairment, and being Deaf

    Hearing problems, hearing impairment and being deaf can affect many children and adults either temporarily (e.g. fluctuating hearing loss in children) or permanently. Hearing loss in childhood can severely delay speech, language, and literacy development, and most adults will experience a deterioration in their hearing as they get older. Thankfully, hearing aid technology …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.icommunicatetherapy.com/child-speech-language/child-speech-language-hearing-literacy-communication-disorders-delays/hearing-problems-hearing-impairment-being-deaf/